Welcome to the mystical world of Avatar: The Last Airbender, where a large portion of the population, called “Benders”, possess the supernatural ability to control the elements of fire, earth, air, and water. The land consists of four nations, the Earth nation, Water nation, Air nation and Fire nation. One hundred years ago, the Fire nation incited a war against the three other nations to conquer the entire world. Though the Fire nation failed in their goal of world conquest, they still managed to take out the entire Air nation. The tyrant leader of the Fire nation, Fire Lord Ozai and his army have just been defeated by the master of all elements, the Avatar, and his allies. It is up to the delegates to find a way to rebuild the nations in the immediate aftermath of 100 years of war perpetuated by the Ozai and the fire nation army, while also navigating the rebuilding and the advancement of their own nations. In addition, the threat of rogue fire nation warriors still lingers...
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